The Weitz Company Implements Innovative and Proactive Safety Practices with RodRadar
The Weitz Company values safety above all else. This is why we seek to continuously implement new processes and leverage innovative tools to make our sites as safe as possible. By proactively identifying common safety risks, like utility strikes, our Weitz Safety team can identify cutting-edge tools and effective practices to successfully navigate these challenges.
In line with our commitment to safety, The Weitz Company began leveraging RodRadar on jobsites. As a leader in subsurface detection technology, their tool enhances safety protocols and minimizes the risks associated with underground utility strikes. RodRadar’s innovative technology uses Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) with advanced real-time processing capabilities, allowing for the immediate detection and visualization of underground utilities. This capability significantly reduces the risk of hitting utilities by providing accurate, immediate information to on-site crews.
“At this specific jobsite the RodRadar bucket identified a utility prior to starting to dig that had not been identified, despite multiple locates being performed in this location. Thanks to this innovative tool, the crew was able to safely hand dig around the utility showcasing just how exciting it is to have this technology available to help keep our jobsite teams safe and ensure we meet our expectation of no utilities strikes on our projects.”
Aaron Anderson, Safety Director | The Weitz Company
The Weitz Company recently utilized RodRadar onto their Colorado School of Mines resident hall project in Golden, CO to bolster the site’s safety practices and improve project efficiency by preventing costly delays. Watch the full video below to see how Weitz successful leveraged RodRadar on our jobsite.
Weitz’s collaboration with RodRadar continues to emphasize the importance the company places on safety. We continue to set a high standard in construction safety, demonstrating how technological innovation can effectively mitigate risks and enhance project outcomes.